
  1. Do-It-Yourself: Installation Guide for In-Floor Safes

    Safes Brisbane

    DIY Installation Guide for In-Floor Safes Brisbane

    Investing in in-floor safes in Sydney can be one of the smartest decisions you can make. Your valuables are less likely to be targeted by burglars and won't attract unwanted attention whenever you have guests at home. But installing floor safes in Brisbane can be tricky, especially if you're opting for a DIY safe installation.

    Below is a quick guide on how to properly fit your safe in your floors to create an even more secure location for your precious belongings, firearms, and more.

    Existing concrete floor installation for safes

    Installing on Existing concrete isn’t as difficult as some people make it out to be. To do this yourself, you first need to make sure there’s enough room for your safe to fit into.

    Measure the outside dimension of your in-floor safe’s body, add four inches, and layout the area for installation. An electric jackhammer usually works well for breaking through the flooring.

    After you remove the concrete, you can start making a hole for the safe while adding an additional three inches deeper than the safe’s size. This additional space is for the layer of new concrete you pour into the hole that will serve as your safe’s base.

    As you’re filling the hole with cement, you may want to add reinforcement to secure the safe’s position inside the floor. Keep the base as level as possible to the floor so your safe doesn’t stick out.

    New concrete floor installation for your safe

    Since you’re starting from scratch, you can start by digging a hole that follows the same dimensions plus additional space mentioned above for installing in existing concrete floors.

    Position the safe properly in the live concrete ensuring it’s at the proper level before finishing off the floor. You may want to block out a hole for your safe by maintaining four inches of room on each side of the safe’s body. Afterwards, you can install the safe afte

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  2. The Importance of Having Good Gun Safes and Locksmiths

    Gun Safe


    In the last few decades, gun ownership has been on the rise. While there's significant controversy tied to owning a gun and keeping one in every home, there's no denying that the ownership of a gun comes with great responsibility. This is why many people who own guns also invest in gun safes.

    Why People have Guns Safes? - Reasons to Buy a Gun Safe!

    The biggest reason why people buy gun safes is for safety. No one anticipates a gun accident to happen, but they do occur.

    If you have children, that’s even more reason to buy firearm safes. At least one child gets killed by a gun accident every day. Children don’t know what a gun is, and leaving your firearm somewhere a child can find it may end up in disaster.

    People who collect or sell firearms also need a gun safe. While some people say that owning firearms is unsafe, part of using a gun responsibly is to have the proper storage container for them.

    There are different types of firearm safes, too. There are rifle safes, pistol safes, and safes that are designed to store multiple types of firearms and even jewellery.

    One last reason for owning a gun safe is that it protects your valuable firearms in the event your house or shop gets burglarized.

    Different types of Gun Safes

    Firearm safes can come in different types, and they're usually classified according to the type of guns they're designed to store. For example, you can find pistol safes, rifle safes, or safes that are a combination of both.

    Alternatively, firearm safes can be categorised according to their security feature or locking mechanism. Following this type of classification, you can find biometric safes, key lock safes, pin combination saf

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  3. Home Safes for People Who Live Alone - Why Is It Important?

    Home Safes

    The Importance of Having Home Safes for People Who Live Alone

    Having a house or apartment all to yourself is great — no roommates to worry about and no one to tell you what to do. But living alone also has drawbacks, especially when it comes to the safety of your belongings. Experts recommend placing your valuables in home safes to reduce the risk of theft and damage.

    Purchasing the best home safe in Australia can make a tremendous difference in making you feel more secure about your belongings. Even if you’re going for smaller, more affordable safes, it’s still better than nothing.

    In this post, we shed some light on why investing in home safes is one of the best decisions you can make if you live alone.

    Why invest in a safe

    If you’re new in the area, it’s natural to see everyone around you as a stranger. Not knowing your neighbours can make it difficult to live completely worry-free, and your neighbours may also hesitate to reach out to you if they think you’re being burglarised.

    In such situations, having a home safe adds that extra layer of security that can protect your valuable items when there’s no one around that can help.

    The same is true if you don’t have neighbours around you. People who live in secluded areas that are far from other houses can greatly benefit from having a safe, even a fireproof gun safe in case of intruders and bushfires.

    Items you can store in a safe

    Anything that’s of significant monetary or sentimental value to you should be stored in the best home safe Australia.

    Of course, there are certain items that are best stored in other security containers such as bank deposit boxes, but the following things are typically good to store in a home safe:

    • Jewellery you frequently or occasionally use
    • Keys to your safety deposit box
    • Important medication
    • Emergency cash
    • Va
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  4. How to Choose the Best Location for Home Safes?

    Safes Melbourne

    Choosing the Best Location for Home Safes Melbourne

    Getting yourself one of the best fireproof safes for home may be the most worthwhile purchase you can make in your lifetime, but if you want to provide maximum protection for your valuables, you’ll also need to place the safe somewhere where burglars won’t easily access or find it.

    To help our customers find the perfect spot for their safes, we’re sharing our insight on the ideal areas in your home that can help protect your important items from theft or damage.

    Where not to Store or Mount your Safe?

    If you had to guess where most people keep their security safes at home, where would it be? If you answered “master bedroom,” you’d be right.

    According to statistics, burglars first check the bedroom since they understand that homeowners naturally want to keep their valuables nearby. With this fact in mind, you’re better off avoiding this area for your safe then.

    Buying fireproof safes for home is only one piece of the puzzle. After all, if the burglar can’t even find the safe, that adds an additional layer of protection for your valuables.

    Great Location Ideas to Store Home Safes Melbourne

    Examples of places that a burglar won’t likely search for your safe include:

    • The laundry room
    • A child’s bedroom
    • Kitchen pantry
    • Living room bookshelf
    • Under the living room floor
    • Under the stairs
    • In a secret compartment behind a bookshelf

    One good strategy that can help you hide home safes in Melbourne is to think of a location that wouldn’t normally have a safe. For example, a floor safe that’s under a kitchen table is less obvious than one that’s in your bedroom closet.

    Avoid Hot or Humid Areas

    Having moisture in your

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  5. Smart Shopping Tips for Jewellers Looking for Jewellery Safes for Sale

    Smart Shopping Tips for Jewellers Looking for Jewellery Safes for Sale

    One of the most valuable items people own is jewellery. While some may only have a handful of them, there are those who have several dozens that must be protected from damage and theft. If you own a jewellery store, however, then your need to protect these valuable items is as urgent and crucial as ever. For this, you'll need to find the best jewellery safes for sale that match your needs and budget.

    Advantages of buying jewellery safe for your shop

    • Most of the safes come with removable or replaceable drawers
    • Variety of exterior finishes to choose from
    • Option for higher protection rating
    • Can have numerous additional features and optional upgrades
    • Can be used to organise other items that require protection

    Jewellery Safe Buying Tips

    To help you choose the best jewellery safe for your business, below we provide smart shopping tips to remember when looking for safes online or in stores.

    1. Look for flexible drawer layouts

    As your collection of luxury items grows or your storage needs change, you'll appreciate a jewellery safe that offers variety in its layout so you can easily remove and add drawers as you see fit.

    2. Consider the location of the safe

    If you plan on removing on-display jewellery and putting them in the safe before leaving the business, then you may want to choose an accessible location for the safe that isn't visible to non-employees.

    While concealing the safe isn't necessarily bad, don't do this at the cost of convenience or the safe will fall out of use eventually. Trust the safe to perform its job of protecting your jewellery.

    Another important factor to consider is whether you’ll be buying a wall safe, floor safe, or a regular standing safe. Check if a safe is mountable s

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  6. Effective Key Management System with Key Cabinet Safes

    6 Tips for Building an Effective Key Management System Using Key Cabinet Safes

    As small as keys are, they play a large part in the overall security of our homes and businesses. Keys are regularly required to access equipment, machinery, facilities, entire buildings, vehicles, and more. To properly manage them, using key cabinets safes Sydney is a must.

    Improving security and efficiency with a key management system

    Using key cabinet safes together with an effective key management system (KMS) lets you locate what you need quickly and conveniently. The system also gives appropriate access to individuals to prevent unauthorised entry or usage of sensitive key's, files and equipment.

    The system requires a manager who's in charge of tracking down keys that haven't been returned and finding information about the users to check if they have the right access level. And most importantly, it also requires the best key cabinets to properly organise the keys.

    Below, we share the top tips for creating a KMS using a key cabinet safe to improve the overall security of your home or business.

    Using a KMS System at Home

    1. Consider getting fireproof Key Cabinet Safes for your Home

    Key management systems may also be used for upper-class homes that can benefit from a higher level of security. If you're investing in a safe and money isn't an issue, you can add an extra layer of protection by investing in fireproof Key Cabinet Safes for your home.

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  7. U.L. Fire Rating's Quick Overview for Safes in Sydney

    Safes Sydney

    A Quick Overview of U.L. Fire Ratings for Safes Sydney

    Buying high-quality fireproof safes for home is a worthy investment that can offer decades of security for your valuables. Before purchasing a safe, however, it’s important to understand the fire ratings for safes Sydney.

    Most safes with fire ratings come with an Underwriters Laboratories (UL) labelling. UL typically uses three types of materials in their tests: paper, microfilm, and computer media.

    Each material has a different tolerance to temperature, humidity, as well as length of time exposed to harmful elements such as fires. The UL tests cover three different fire temperatures and five durations to examine how these three types of material behave in the interior of the safe.

    So, what you see on the label is basically the maximum temperature allowed during the test.

    How UL Tests are Conducted for Fireproof Safes Sydney

    Depending on the time classification being tested, the fireproof safes for homes are allowed to heat up until a specified temperature, usually inside a furnace.

    Once the target time and temperature are reached, it’s allowed to cool down. The safe is then opened so the testers can examine the contents to see if they’re in usable condition.

    The components of the interior walls of the safe are also checked for humidity and heat damage. Below is a more detailed explanation of the tests usually conducted on fireproof safes.

    The Fire Endurance Test

    Fireproof safes Sydney are placed with tested materials and heat sensors, locked, then exposed to evenly distributed fire, usually to reach a maximum temperature of 1700 °F for one hour or 1850 °F for two hours.

    The temperature of the interior is closely monitored and must never exceed 350 °F throughout the test.

    The Explosion Hazard Test

    Fireproof safes for home are

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  8. Great Gift For Christmas: Why Fireproof Safe?

    Fireproof Safe

    Why a Fireproof Safe Can Be a Great Christmas Gift

    While buying a fireproof safe as a Christmas present may seem like a hefty expense, it’s also one of the most practical gifts you can buy.

    We all have that one friend, colleague, or family member that can appreciate a high-quality secure storage unit for Christmas. It can be an aunt that owns plenty of expensive jewellery, an uncle who’s a gun enthusiast, or a boss who collects expensive figurines and art pieces.

    How much should you spend on a fireproof safe as a gift?

    The best fireproof safe for homeowners can cost more than $1,000. This price can go up to $3,000 and more if you’re feeling extremely generous and looking for business-grade security safes.

    If you have a budget of $500 or lower, you still have plenty of options, although the sizes are usually limited to smaller home safes, wall safes, filing cabinet safes, or key cabinet safes.

    Because a safe is a lifetime investment, then we recommend going for a decent-quality one that’s within the $500-$1,500 price range as a Christmas gift.

    Fireproof gun safes as Christmas gifts

    The demand for gun safes has increased in the last few years, making them a popular gift option for Christmas.

    Although they’re not an ideal storage place for guns that are used for self-protection (because safes take time to open and close), they are great as gifts for gun collectors and hobbyists.

    When choosing a fireproof gun safe, you may want to purchase something with a minimum of 1-hour fire rating. Safes with less than that usually don’t survive a home or establishment fire.

    Other types of safes that are great as gifts

    When it comes to shopping for any kind of gift, the main priority is always to choose an item that the receiver will surely appreciate.

    Depending on whom you're giving the safe to, you may go for a jewellery safe, key cabinet saf

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  9. Best Safe Brands

    Best Safe Brands Australia


    The 5 Best Safe Brands in Australia

    When it comes to security, buying a home or office safe is one of the best investments you can make. Because of the many products to choose from, however, you may be feeling a little overwhelmed. Fortunately, there is a simple approach so you can get your money’s worth, which is to choose among the best safe brands in Australia.

    Australia’s Top Safe Brands in

    1. Guardall Safes

    As one of the leading manufacturers of safes in Australia, Guardall is a trusted name for professional locksmiths and even the Australian Federal Police.

    Not only do they offer top-level security when it comes to safeguarding valuable and important items, but they also have a wide range of different product types to choose from.

    Guardall has everything from wall safes, key cabinet safes, affordable gun safes, and more. Here at Buy A Safe, you’ll come across many Guardall products being sold at competitive prices so you are sure to get the best value for your money.

    2. Burg Wächter Safes

    This highly popular German brand is a top choice

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  10. Key Cabinets Safe: Why You Should Invest For The Cabinets of Your Home or Office

    Key Cabinets

    Why You Should Invest in Key Cabinets for Your Home or Office

    For many people, among the most common items that easily get lost or forgotten are, of course, keys. Whether it’s the keys to the house, car, garage, or the door to your office, you may have already gone through your fair share of frustrations dealing with them and are looking for a solution. Fortunately, that’s what key cabinets are for.

    What are key cabinets?

    A key cabinet is a simple yet flexible solution that helps people manage their keys in any environment such as at home or in the office.

    Because keys don’t usually take up a lot of space, you can easily find cabinets that can hold anywhere from 30 to 1,500 keys.

    A key cabinet may function as a regular storage unit with a simple key lock, or as a key cabinet safe that prevents intruders and unauthorised people from gaining access to the keys.

    High-security key cabinets will typically have a combination security system that also locks down the safe after a certain number of incorrect attempts to enter the code.

    Businesses that benefit the most from key cabinets

    While a key cabinet may be used in a variety of establishments, they provide the most advantage for people who work in car dealerships, hospitals, schools, vehicle service stations, real estate businesses, commercial office buildings, apartment complexes, and more.

    Where should the key cabinets be placed?

    To protect the keys in your home or office, a key cabinet must be placed somewhere that isn’t easily accessible to unauthorised people.

    In-car dealership stores, for instance, there are cases where the cabinet is located outside of the office and almost exactly where the cars are. This makes it easy for people to take the keys and come back later to steal the vehicle.

    Examples of ideal places to store a key cabinet are ins

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